How did our ancestors waste their time, and how was it different from what we do? What is there in common between a set-to in the comments and ancient fisticuffs? Let’s compare the pastimes of the past with the major temptations of the day.
Category Archives: MixLook
Education in the Future
“You must obtain a higher education” – our parents say these words to each of us, probably, from the early childhood. And so we, programmed by the unconditional “musts” and “have-tos”, obediently study in schools in order to choose a profession. Nevertheless, once we have entered a university, we bitterly click the “like” on educational motifakes, such as “I get a degree – Because getting a job doesn’t appeal to me”.
The World as a Theatre of Anarchy
You can’t beat the system by setting off bombs on the streets. Bombs kill people, and that only makes punitive forces stronger. To break the system you have to plant the bombs of ideas right into the minds of people: a free man confirms his freedom with every action.