About our project

CABLOOK.com is an atmospheric media project; a web-paper imbued with raw emotion; a conceptual online magazine; a means of mass provocation; a focus of ironic intellectuality of the RuNet; an aesthetic phenomenon; a philosophic blog; a creative space and simply a place to be shared with friends and unfriends.

CABLOOK.com holds an assembly of all things unusual, mesmerizing, new, shocking, beautiful and just plain curious: free play of imagination, embodiment of illusions, and human potential in its boundless being and display…

Our mission is to quarry and deliver what you did not know existed, and thereby inspire you to creative work, travelling, interesting pursuits and spontaneous moves, which you’ll hopefully share with us.

If you’re fed up and bored with the regular, CABLOOK.com can help endowing your life with some diversity. Gadgets, performances, famous illustrators, photographers, designers and couturiers from all over the world, badass young artists, uncharted places, ordinary people with extraordinary hobbies – you can find it all on the pages of our magazine.


Welcome! Join in our atmosphere and share your impressions!!!

